About the Journal

DOI Prefix  -
Editor in Chief Prof. Dr. Ahmad Subagyo
Publisher  IMFEA Publishing
Frequency  July dan December
Citation Analysis  SINTA Google Scholar | Garuda Dimensions 

Journal summary

Journal of International Microfinance Studies (JIMS) is a scientific journal initiated by the Indonesia Microfinance Expert Association (IMFEA) which aims to disseminate various ideas, research results, scientific papers, best practices of microfinance at the national and international levels which are carried out both in the academic community and in the world. financial and cooperative industry in order to support the development of science and technology. Articles published in this journal are addressed to the editor's office. Complete information for article loading and article writing instructions are available in each issue. Articles submitted will go through a selection process for bestari partners and/or editors. Journal of Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics published 2 times a year, namely in July and December.

Journal Description

JIMS is a scientific publication published by the Indonesia Microfinance Expert Association (IMFEA) quarterly in a year. This scientific journal raises themes of microfinance both practiced by formal financial institutions (bank financial industry, non-bank financial industry and cooperatives) and informal (religious group arisan, citizen arisan, farmer group arisan, Self Help Group (SHG). or other unincorporated organizations). JIM aims to disseminate scientific thoughts and ideas on the development of microfinance and disseminate information on best practices of microfinance both locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. Published articles use scientific principles and must be written in English.